The judge who presided over Robert Durst's Texas murder trial says the cable TV darling once cut the head off a cat and left it on her doorstep.

Judge Susan Criss tells the Daily News she was on her way home from work on June 29, 2006—three years after Durst's trial—when she "saw something on the walk."

Criss said she "thought it was a rat at first."

"But it was a little gray cat that had been cut behind the shoulder," she said. "It was a head with its two front legs, cut right behind the shoulders. It was not just thrown there. It was placed there."

Criss described the cut a "surgical, done somewhere else."

"I believe it was Robert Durst," she said. "I knew this guy had a history of cutting up his dogs."

The presumed "Morris Black sleeps with the fishes" moment came after Criss testified against Durst at a parole hearing, and would seem to be in line with other allegations currently pending against Durst: he's suspected of killing at least seven dogs, all named Igor, in what his brother terms as "practice."

[ image via AP]

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