A 16-year-old student in Nagasaki was arrested by police after the dismembered body of her classmate was discovered in her apartment. The student allegedly confessed to police that she sawed off 15-year-old Aiwa Matsuo's head and hand after beating her with a hammer and strangling her with rope. Police are currently investigating a possible connection between Matsuo's murder and a series of incriminating posts on popular Japanese forum 2Channel.

According to Japan Times, police found Matsuo's body in the student's apartment after four posts detailing an apparent murder were posted to 2Channel:

"Oh no, blood keeps pouring out even though I have wiped it away many times," said one of the messages posted, which carried the subject line "I have ended up killing."

The same forum user uploaded seven pictures showing a hand of what appeared to be that of the user and a cloth, both covered with blood.

"I've tried to warm (the body) as it got cold, but it doesn't warm up. . . . Everyone, (do you want to know) what color the brain is?" said another message. The user then posted a message saying: "I'll take good care of the brain and the spinal cord, putting them in a solution."

The four messages were posted between 10:08 p.m. and 10.30 p.m. Saturday, just hours before Nagasaki police found Matsuo's body in the suspect's Sasebo apartment.

The Bangkok Post reports that the student accused of murdering Matsuo has "a history of behavioral problems" and has apparently "tampered with" other student's meals in the past. Police told the Post that she has dissected small animals. She was apparently living alone in preparation for a study abroad program.

Matsuo's parents notified police that their daughter was missing when she didn't return home from visiting friends Saturday, the Sydney Morning Herald reports.

[H/T Time // Image via Kyodo/Japan Times]