Hey Virginia teenagers, oooh bad news—the College Board just called and they lost your SATs and you have to take them all over again! For real, though.

About 100 or so unlucky Loudon County students got the nightmare news this week that their probably flawless exams (Could it have been a perfect score? Who knows? Maybe no one ever will...) got lost somewhere between the gym and the College Board. Total bummer! And worse, the kids are apparently forgetting everything they learned.

“It’s been over a month since I’ve done all my studying,” one sad Virginia teen tells NBC Washington. “It’s going to affect my scores.”

Could it get any worse? Actually, yeah.

The make-up exam is scheduled for June 20, about the same time students are taking final exams.

God, being a teen really sucks.

Image via Flickr. Contact the author at gabrielle@gawker.com.