Is This a Two-Legged Puppy or a Rare Black and White Kangaroo?

Roo is a five-month-old black-and-white animal who hops around on her hind legs. Despite her unusual coloring, she seems verily a kangaroo; witness her athletic haunches, upturned tail, and quintessentially kangarooish posture. But what if she's actually a dog?
You might find it hard to believe, but that's just what Nikki and Ian Dick—the Northumberland, England, couple that keeps Roo as a pet—are claiming. Dog or kangaroo? Consider the evidence.

Or kangaroo?


Or kangaroo?


Or kangaroo?

The Independent, a reputable newspaper, is taking the couple at its word, so perhaps we should do the same.
She is thought to have been born with one front leg missing and suffered the traumatic loss of the other soon after birth, possibly being chewed off by another dog.
"Roo doesn't know any different to hopping on her two back legs but she still laps up all the fuss from people who always stop and do a double take when they see her because they think she is a kangaroo," Mrs Dick said.
"At first glance she really does look like a kangaroo and even stands up on her back legs and hops along too.
"She's perfectly happy and pain free and vets are very happy with her progress.
"We've fallen in love with her, how could you not? She's such a little star."
Decide for yourself.