Though Halloween has come and gone, the spookiness of everyday life (in this case, the everyday life of an Australian surfer) persists.

The New York Post reports 38-year-old Andy Johnston was surfing near Perth on September 21 when a 9-foot-long scary, scary shark started following him. Witnesses spotted the shark about six feet from Johnston, and tried to get his attention by shouting and honking their horns.

But his chill surfer dude 'tude overcame the stressful scene:

"I'd rather try to hold my ground against it and not freak out and make a commotion. ...

If you're going to get chomped, then you're going to get chomped. There's nothing you can do about it."

His chillness won the day when he caught a wave and, eventually, after the shark followed him towards the shore, the spooky fish swam away.

A man named Frits De Bruyn, who was on vacation in Australia at the time, was standing nearby and managed to snap a few insane photos of the event. He spoke to the Daily Mail about it:

We were at a lookout and we saw a shadow in the water. It became evident it was shark and everyone started shouting. There was about a dozen surfers and paddle boarders in the water.

He followed him to shore for a bit... he was only a body-length behind him.

The surfer went straight back out a few minutes after the shark swam away.

So, uh. Remember to be chill! And don't surf!

[images via Frits De Bruyn, Facebook]