After weeks of public records requests by the Boston Globe, Massachusetts’ Salem State University has disclosed the fact that it paid $170,000 to good looking football guy Tom Brady to come talk on its campus.

The Globe reports that the school’s “nonprofit Salem State University Foundation paid the Patriots quarterback $170,000 to participate in its annual speaker series” last month—and how better to spend one hundred and seventy thousand dollars enriching your students’ lives than by hiring an Uggs model mouth platitudes about a football-deflation scandal for an hour?

I am being reductive; Brady also told the crowd, regarding his Super Bowl win, “There’s a lot of hard work that goes into accomplishing such a great feat, and the competition is so tough.”

That’s wisdom that you cannot put a price on. (But if you could, a fair one would be $170,000 via a nonprofit foundation.)

[Photo: Getty. This is the worst use of money by a college since the $219,000 table.]

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