
On Tuesday night, Donald Trump said, of Hillary Clinton, “The only thing she’s got going for her is the woman’s card, and the beautiful thing is, women don’t like her.”

Hillary’s campaign fired back about twenty-four hours later with some Tracy-Flick approved meme action, offering an official “Woman Card” to she (or he—it’s 2016, or didn’t you know?) who donates to the Hillary campaign.

Shortly after the tweet went out, the sound of innumerable 29-year-old Clinton campaign social media deputies who love to say they “survive on Diet Dr. Pepper and adrenaline” and would, later that night, go on to Instagram images of their empty refrigerators (#CampaignLife, #ImWithHer) congratulating each other could be heard from Gawker Media’s Chelsea office, if faintly.

The card, which seems to be some kind of visual metonymy or “joke,” and not an actual card, appears to contain a magnetic strip, similar to the ones found on the bottom of New York City’s MTA Metro Cards. It’s a funny little gag, you see, because Hillary knows what Metro Cards are, and she can laugh at herself, because she is a relatable New Yorker.

“Deal me in,” entreats the card, just under its magnetic strip, implying that all of us ladies are at a table, about to enter a game that is, perhaps, not for us. “Is this a poker game or a turnstile?” America’s sticklers, upon seeing this tweet, demanded to know. “For god’s sake, this is a mixed metaphor,” cried your most annoying coworker, who is probably named either Meghan or Olivia.

I know she’s ruining your office’s well-earned Friday vibe, but Meghan is right.