Over the weekend, hundreds of Denver-area veterans received a total of $60,000 worth of free marijuana and marijuana-infused products at a giveaway hosted a group called Operation Grow4Vets, whose mission, according to their website, is to offer vets an alternative method for managing their PTSD and other ailments.

One veteran army nurse in attendance told a Denver local CBS-affiliate that she suffers from PTSD and that the weed helps her to sleep at night. Another attendee, a Vietnam-era vet, said that he uses it as an alternative treatment to the frequently prescribed painkillers.

"I'm allergic to morphine opiates, I can't take them," Mark Pitt, a Vietnam War veteran, told CBS Denver. "So I don't have much choice other than do that."

Grow4Vets is holding a second giveaway next weekend, on September 27 in Colorado Springs.

[Photo Credit: AP Images]