In a new interview aired Monday, former tiny child and current attractive adult Elián González said he’d like to visit the United States, specifically for the purpose of giving you love.

“To the American people, first I say thank you for the love they give me,” the now 21-year-old González told ABC News. “I want the time to give my love to American people.”

González also mentioned several other (super boring) non-love-related things he’d like to do on his imagined trip to the horny country he briefly called home: go to a baseball game, visit museums in Washington, D.C. and “talk to Americans.”

Unfortunately for any U.S. nationals hoping to take their love-exchanging relationship with González to the next level, ABC reports that the newly hot adult is engaged.

Oh well. If you’re really desperate to satisfy your lusty year 2000 nostalgia, I hear Al Gore is seeing people.

[Images via ABC News]