New Jersey, a state known for its equal number of local heroes, sheroes, and zeroes, has gained itself another member of the boss-applesauce community when a councilwoman from Mahwah flipped two middle fingers to the mayor of her town, calling him a "piece of shit" at a council meeting. Now that's how to get things done.

Councilwoman H. Lisa DiGiulio reportedly threw up two middle fingers to Mayor Bill Laforet of Mahwah, N.J. after he disagreed with a council decision to move to reinstate a deposed Director of Public Works. The reason? The guy had allegedly been watching "inappropriate material" on his work computer, reports:

Mahwah Mayor William Laforet took steps to fire Ed Sinclair, the director of the Department of Public Works, after an anonymous letter claimed the DPW computers were being used to view "inappropriate material" on a "regular basis."

Laforet implied that it would be a conflict of interest for councilwoman DiGiulio to vote in reinstating Sinclair, so she stood up and flipped him off, not once, but twice—at the same time. Double up!

"I have been on this council for 28 years, and I have never experienced the low life of this mayor," DiGiulio said in a report by

Here's to you, local New Jersey hero, Miss Councilwoman "Double Birds" DiGiulio.

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