Well folks, it’s that lovely election night limbo after the polls have begun to close and before anyone actually knows anything, and so instead we have to look at exit polls! Exit polls are only ever indicative of bad things. How bad? Let’s find out.

Two-thirds of New Hampshire Republicans interviewed by CNN said that the most recent debate was “important to their choice” on Tuesday. Half said they felt “betrayed” by the GOP (fair!) and about half said they were “angry” about the federal government.

New Hampshire Republicans are also looking for a candidate with personality. From NBC News:

About a third (34 percent) of Granite State Republicans said they were looking for a candidate who shares their values when deciding whom to support. Another 30 percent wanted a candidate who can bring about change, and 21 percent were looking for a candidate who “tells it like it is.” Just 11 percent placed priority on a candidate’s electability.

Fifty-three percent of Democrats also told NBC that the debates were an important factor in their decision today. Only 12 percent of Democrats in the state are upset about the federal government, and 37 percent have “positive feelings” about Washington.

Also, well more than half of Republican voters polled by CBS in New Hampshire want to ban Muslims.

Image via AP Photos. Contact the author of this post: brendan.oconnor@gawker.com.