UPDATE: The video that originally accompanied this post as been removed following a copyright claim.

Dov Charney was fired yesterday from American Apparel, the clothing company he founded, popularized, and nearly ran into the ground. The video above shows him in happier times: dancing nude for a duo of women while chatting away on the phone.

The video, titled "Dov Charney dancing for his employees...," was sent to us by a tipster who found it hosted on a site called Viddme. A former American Apparel model who spent a great deal of time with Charney tells us: "That is 100% him."

UPDATE: A former American Apparel employee confirms that both women in the video are former—or perhaps current—employees.

I worked for AA years ago. That girl in the video used to be my boss. And the girl he's referring to, Daisy, also used to work with me. I think she still works for the co.

If you know anything else about this video—or are the person who originally uploaded it—leave a comment below or email me at jordan@gawker.com