Photo: AP

Heidi Cruz, a former Goldman Sachs banker, is probably Ted Cruz’s best inroad to the city full of Jews and gays he campaigned against just a few weeks ago when he was angling for that sweet evangelical vote. But has she ever been to New York City before? Hard to say.

Cruz was a guest at the Queens Republican Party gala Monday night, where she inadvertently revealed a terrible secret. Here is what she had to say about the city of New York, which votes April 19, horrified emphasis ours:

“I spent some early years in New York, so I feel partially at home. It’s great to be back,” the Goldman Sachs investment manager said. “I came to New York and thought I had arrived in the center of the universe. And I think that is still probably true today. I rented a small place in the city. I took the subway to work every day. I love the smell of New York. I love the hustle and bustle. I love that it was hard. And, to this day, I love the people of New York.”


Either Heidi Cruz loves urine and hot garbage, or she’s a liar.