A couple in Ohio was robbed of four puppies on Christmas morning. Puppies! Can you imagine?

According to Wayne County authorities, via the New York Post, three men—three piece of shit garbage reverse Santa Claus assholes—slipped into the couple's home through an open sliding door at around 6 a.m. Christmas morning. The suspects demanded money from the 32-year-old man and 21-year-old woman inside, striking the man with a handgun and holding the woman at gunpoint.

When the burglars were refused the money, they reportedly instead grabbed the couple's 3-week-old Cane Corso puppies. Pieces of shit! The puppies' mother was left behind.

According to the Post, Wayne County sheriff's captain Doug Hunter said because the puppies had not yet been weaned, their chance for survival is slim.

[image via Shutterstock]