On Tuesday, a California man was arrested on hate crimes charges after allegedly yelling homophobic slurs and attacking three men with a knife for wearing skinny jeans, the L.A. Times reports.

According to victim Blake Abbey, the men were walking home Sunday night when the suspect and another man called them “faggots for wearing tight jeans.” The suspect, later identified by Sacramento police as 25-year-old Timothy Brownell, then attacked Abbey and two of his friends with a knife, stabbing them several times.

“We did nothing to provoke them,” Abbey later wrote on Facebook. “My arm was completely mangled by a 7-8 inch Rambo knife.”

On Monday, the Sacramento Police Department said in a statement it has “zero tolerance for these crimes.”

Supporters of the victims have now organized an “I Wear Skinny Jeans” benefit concert for Abbey and his friends.

“More details to come soon,” reads the show’s Facebook event page. “The most important detail however is.... WEAR YOUR BEST SKINNY JEANS.”

[Image via Sacramento Police Department]