Every now and then things go your way. You find money on the sidewalk. You accidentally get a side of fries with your order at no charge. Your subway train arrives right away. And sometimes you really luck out and discover a free bag of high quality cocaine hidden inside your granola bar.

In March, San Antonio resident Cynthia Rodriguez unwrapped a Nature Valley granola bar and allegedly discovered a bag filled with white powder inside. Assuming she’d won some sort of prize, Rodriguez called the granola company. A confused rep told her to contact her local police department, which the dutiful grandmother—not realizing the value of her find—promptly did.

KENS 5 reports that San Antonio police tested the powder for traces of heroin and had no luck. Then they tested it for cocaine.

“He tried for cocaine and they both looked at each other and he goes, ‘Oh my goodness, its high quality cocaine,’” Rodriguez told KENS 5.

Sgt. Javier Salazar quickly confiscated the drugs and booked them as evidence. “We’re not sure if this was something added on purpose or if it was something that may have fallen out of someone’s pocket on the assembly line,” Salazar said.

General Mills, the company that owns Nature Valley, issued a statement saying they were “confident” the bag of drugs didn’t come from their factory, in part because of how quickly the bars move along its assembly lines.

Rodriguez, for her part, is just thankful one of her 11 grandchildren didn’t open the granola bar. “What if they thought it was sugar?” Rodriguez said.

That would have been hilarious.

Image via KENS 5. Contact the author at taylor@gawker.com.