Golden Corral cook Brandon Huber actually likes his job at the national buffet chain's Port Orange, Florida, location.

That's why he tried going directly to Golden Corral management first before reaching out to the media about his restaurant's ironic efforts to avoid receiving poor health inspection marks.

But after being turned down by a number of news outlets, Huber decided to speak directly to the Internet about his branch's practice of storing both raw and cooked foods near the dumpster ahead of the health inspector's visit.

"I'm an employee, I've been working here for a long time, and I don't think this is right," Huber informed his viewers in the fast-rising video.

The young man is being compared to whistleblower Edward Snowden, albeit with tongue planted firmly in cheek, but the blowback Golden Corral is likely to receive from this bad practice is no joke.

UPDATE: Golden Corral has just responded to Huber's claims in the video's comments section (thanks Lamont!):

UPDATE 2: Huber filmed a follow-up video briefly discussing why he chose to bring this practice to light.

In an official statement sent to Gawker, Golden Corral reiterated its claim that the food was destroyed without being served to customers, and that Huber personally participated in the food's disposal.

They further allege that Huber's dad tried to sell the video to the company for $5,000 — an offer that was rejected.

As for ramifications, Metro Corral Partners says the manager was terminated "for failing to follow approved food handling procedures." No word yet on Huber's current employment status.