German police searched the apartment of an alleged spy in Berlin this morning, according to the New York Times. If this person spied for the U.S., as several military sources told the German paper Süddeutsche Zeitung, he would be the second such spy Germany's found in two weeks.

According to an investigation by Süddeutsche Zeitung, the suspected spy worked in the "military field." The New York Times reports that he is a "Bundeswehr soldier suspected of passing information to U.S. military intelligence." No arrest has been made yet.

The alleged American spy German police arrested last week was an employee of the German foreign intelligence service. He's suspected of working for the CIA after voluntarily giving information to U.S. agents two years ago. According to The Guardian, the suspect allegedly sold over 200 documents to the CIA, "including information on a German parliamentary panel that has been looking into the Snowden claims and the extent of German cooperation in U.S. snooping."

Süddeutsche Zeitung seems to think the second suspected spy is a "more serious" case. American ambassador John B. Emerson met with Merkel's foreign policy adviser Christoph Heusgen today, but neither Washington nor Berlin has released what they talked about.

And you thought things couldn't get more awkward between Angela Merkel and President Obama.

[Image via AP]