A Minnesota-based gang bang organizer who watched American Psycho one too many times made the mistake of advertising his profession on a series of fancy business cards — a mistake that ultimately got him arrested.

The Minneapolis City Pages reports that gang bang party planner Scott Pollock was taken into police custody earlier this year after he accidentally dropped one of his business cards in a hotel parking lot.

A manager at the Quality Inn & Suites in Bloomington found the card, and his interest was piqued when he saw it belonged to one "Scott, Gang Bang Organizer."

After pulling in the rest of Pollack's info into Google, the manager discovered that a gang bang birthday party was scheduled to take place at his Mall of America-adjacent hotel that very same day.

He phoned the police, who arrived just in time to find the party in full swing.

According to the official report, the $20-a-head gang bang was been thrown in honor of a woman named Wendy who had just turned 45 and wanted to commemorate her age by sleeping with 45 guys.

She was up to 31 when the cops walked in.

Pollock was arrested on the spot and charged with solicitation, inducement, and promotion of prostitution — a felony.

Wendy was also arrested.

Pollock's lawyer later tried to get the case thrown out by telling the court Wendy was at the party of "her own free will" — a fact which Wendy confirmed.

The court denied the motion, and set Pollock's sentencing for September.

A Twitter account attributed to Pollack appears to show that the card-carrying gang bang businessman was hiding in plain sight.

[H/T: City Pages, screengrabs via Twitter, mug shot via Bloomington Police Department]