During a segment on the government shutdown yesterday, Fox News host Anna Kooiman claimed that President Obama has "has offered to pay out of his own pocket for the museum of Muslim culture." Problem being, besides the complete lie she told about the president, is that a museumby that name in Washington D.C. doesn't even exist.

Media Matters traced Kooiman's lie to the "satire" website The National Report. Fox News was attempting to point out the hypocrisy of Obama somehow refusing to compromise on a spending budget, then shutting down the government, and heartlessly blocking WW II veterans from attending their memorial in Washington. And he has the nerve to pay out of pocket for a Muslim Museum (which is as imaginary as his belief in Islam).

Here's the full quote:

The Republican National Committee is offering to pay for it to keep it open so that the veterans from Honor Flight are going to be able to go and see this because who did it honor? It honored them. It really doesn't seem fair, especially — and we're going to talk a little bit later in the show too about some things that are continuing to be funded. And President Obama has offered to pay out of his own pocket for the museum of Muslim culture out of his own pocket, yet it's the Republican National Committee who's paying for this.

[Media Matters]