"From Jonathan Gruber to Kim Kardashian: Why American Leadership Is Broken." Good column here.

Kim Kardashian's break-the-Internet nude photos, Jonathan Gruber's outrageous statements on getting Obamacare passed and Sen. Mary Landrieu's speech on the Senate floor on the Keystone XL pipeline made for an interesting week in America, with the seemingly mixed events all clearly pointing to a consistent message: Each, trying to enhance their fame, advance their vested policy interests or save their careers, seemed to decide that the desired ends justified using whatever means were necessary.

Damn this professional political expert knows how to find the hidden meaning in seemingly disparate recent news events.

The message is very clear in the mess of the noise coming from reality television and reality politics. Fix the means, and find the core values all of us Americans care about. It is my hope, as these national leaders begin to emerge who are authentic and who put means over ends, that we will give them the support they deserve. As we are all about to sit down with our families for a feast at Thanksgiving, it is apparent we are hungry for this brand of leadership. This is a table we can sit together at no matter our party.

There you have it.

There you have it.

One more worthwhile column by professional political expert Matthew Dowd, the former Democrat who was the chief strategist for the Bush/ Cheney ticket in 2004 and then changed his mind about Bush when the time came for his own son to be shipped off to Iraq. Today Matthew Dowd is an "ABC News analyst and special correspondent," because of his insight into Kim Kardashian and also other topics.

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