When we last checked in on Backdoor Teen Mom Farrah Abraham, she had started working at an Austin, Tex. strip club as "research" for some unannounced book or movie she may participate in at some point in the theoretical future—just like Jennifer Aniston! Well, it's apparently not just research anymore: Both Farrah and the club report she's signed six-figure contract as a celebrity dancer.

"It benefits everybody," BeBe Montgomery, manager of Palazio Gentleman's Club said, according to Radar. "It's really fun ... I hired Farrah as a waitress about a month ago and then we talked about it. She decided to switch to dancing. And then we talked again and came to an agreement for six figures. We're really happy and excited."

According to Farrah, the deal is worth $544,000.

Starting August 22, customers will be able to pay $2,500 for an hour-long dance from the former teen mom, or $500 for 10 minutes. The young backdoor entrepreneur says she plans to invest the money in her frozen yogurt business.

Is stripping as profitable as having anal sex with James Deen? Probably not. Although rumors of a $1.5 million payday for Backdoor Teen Mom may have been exaggerated, Vivid Video paid Farrah six figures for that video, and a royalty check obtained by TMZ shortly after its released showed she was initially making around $60,000 a month on the back end.

[H/T HuffPo]