Farrah Abraham famously got pregnant at 16, only to have her boyfriend die in a car crash not long afterwards. Scandal stardom awaited as she worked out personal issues on MTV’s Teen Mom while birthing an unusual career in the reality spotlight. Farrah seized the chance to write a best-selling book, record an album of self-help songs, and just recently to sell a sex tape with James Deen for a reported $1.5 million. But that was then. Nowadays, Abraham, 22, plans to study at Pace University’s Lubin School of Business in hopes of becoming a restaurateur. Too vanilla? Don’t worry, she’s also working on a new reality show!

Hi, Farrah. Business school?

I start September 12. I’m doing online classes. I’m majoring in accounting and auditing. I’m taking two economics classes—one for international economy and one for the US economy. Also Contemporary Business Practices, Principles of Marketing…

And what do you want to do with this, pray tell?

I hope to run a very successful restaurant chain and do other endeavors. Who knows? I could do more work in entertainment.

What’s your favorite chain restaurant? Mine is IHOP. The chicken and waffles are great, especially with a Groupon.

There’s a new one called Freshies. I like raw or healthy, natural foods with no hormones.

You have enough hormones, right?


But if you’re moving on to a relatively normal life, why do another reality show?

It’s something I enjoy doing and meeting people through that. It’s a docu soap. The working title is Finding Farrah—from Teen Mom to adulthood, where she is now? A lot of people admire my strength through the bad press and they want to see how I could get through it.

Does your daughter know what’s going on?

Yes, she’s very intelligent. She does dance, cheerleading, and she has a great private school that she goes to. She wants me to get married. I’m doing my best as a parent and when the time comes to talk about more serious things, I want to pass along the wisdom I have so she can have a brighter future.

The $1.5 million won’t hurt. How did your tape with James Deen come about?

There was no plan. It was just dating and I wanted to make something for myself and I did. I met him through friends and we were casually talking—I was not really dating him. It was something I felt comfortable with at the time. As it turned out, I had to legally separate myself. It was more of a front to take advantage of me. Now I don’t talk to him, nor do I like his personality!

Did you know it was being filmed?

We had sex and yes, I did film it. What don’t you get about this?

Sorry, sex-tape talk makes me blank out. But why were you upset with him if it was your idea?

He was publically talking about it. So I made sure I got paid for being naked rather than being taken advantage of and being put out there for free.

I guess this is a reality-era win-win. Has your mother dealt with her issues better?

What issues?

Um, she assaulted you.

She’s taken anger management. I love my mother and always will have her in my life, but sometimes I put more boundaries between us. I don’t think she’ll ever work on the issues.

Who do you admire in today's culture?

I don’t really admire anyone. I really admire the progress that I do. I’m about my life. I have no idols or role models. I read about people and I study what they’ve done, but that’s really it. I feel it can be done to a more professional standard. I like to improve the world and make a difference, and I feel I’ve done that. You’ll see what I have planned to better the restaurant industry and family issues.

You’re not an insecure person.

No I’m not.