Photo: AP

This week, the Federal Aviation Administration grounded Donald Trump’s Cessna Citation X business jet, which flew as recently as Monday despite being unregistered since January 31.

“The aircraft owner is currently working with the FAA’s Aircraft Registry and will re-register the aircraft before further flight,” said agency spokesperson Laura Brown in a statement.

According to The New York Times, which first reported the lapsed registration on Tuesday, flying an unregistered aircraft can result in serious civil and criminal penalties:

Ms. Brown would not comment on whether the F.A.A. plans to take any action against the Cessna’s owner, the operator or both. Though it is unlikely that the agency will seek the maximum penalty, flying with no registration could result in a civil penalty of up to $27,500, a criminal fine of up to $250,000 and imprisonment for up to three years. Fines are often assessed.

Incidentally, three years is also how often active aircraft owners must renew their registration, a process which, according to the FAA website, costs $5.