Donald Trump, a man whose ire for the media has been matched only by his ire for minorities, extended a warm and loving olive branch to journalists this week: the promise that he will not, in fact, have them slaughtered.

While addressing Russian president Vladimir Putin’s endorsement of him as a candidate for president at a rally in Michigan on Monday, Trump was asked whether he approved of Putin’s governing strategy, which allegedly involves silencing journalists with death. Trump, ever the gentle breeze, said that he “would never” kill a journalist—a sign that perhaps Trump is not the great and terrible tyrant we had all feared he’d be.

“I would never kill them, I would never do that... but I do hate them, and some of them are such lying, disgusting people.”

Trump also doubted that Putin had actually ordered journalists killed, despite copious evidence to the contrary. CNN caught the moment on video:

Last week, Trump took to “Morning Joe” to talk about Putin, as well. When asked by the hosts whether he approved of Putin killing people, particularly journalists and political opponents, Trump replied with the delicate quip: “at least he’s a leader.”

Trump also doubled down on his comments on ABC News’ “This Week,” claiming that there is no evidence that Putin orchestrated the murders of journalists.

“In all fairness to Putin, you’re saying he killed people — I haven’t seen that. I don’t know that he has. Have you been able to prove that? Do you know the names of the reporters that he’s killed?”

And here, we all thought that Trump was a despotic madman, hell-bent on running his party into the ground! Turns out, he’s nothing but a little lamb.

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