Photo: AP by way of Sam Woolley

Today, Donald Trump released a list of the members of his economic advisory council. All of them are white, half of them are named some version of Steve, they mostly all have backgrounds in real estate and business, and none of them are women. “I am pleased that we have such a formidable group of experienced and talented [Steves] that will work with me to implement real solutions for the economic issues facing our country,” Trump said in a statement.

The council is also co-headed by one non-Steve named Dan Kowalski, and one Steve named Stephen Miller—a former aide to Michelle Bachman and, most recently, Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama. Let’s go around in a circle and learn one fun fact about each of them, to help us keep all the Steves helping President Trump decide on the best and Steviest economic policies:

Steven Feinberg

Official Trump Bio: Feinberg is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. Mr. Feinberg has led the firm since its inception in 1992 and has developed Cerberus into one of the world’s leading deep value asset management firms. Cerberus manages affiliated funds and accounts with over $30 billion of assets under management in four complimentary strategies: Private Equity (operationally challenged companies, non-core/under-performing divisions or subsidiaries and businesses undergoing restructuring); Distressed Securities and Assets; Corporate Middle-Market Lending; and Distressed Real Estate. Prior to founding Cerberus, Mr. Feinberg managed capital for Gruntal & Co. from 1985 to 1992. He began his career at Drexel Burnham Lambert, where he traded proprietary pools of capital. Mr. Feinberg is a graduate of Princeton University

Fun fact: Cerberus, which notably helped Chrysler lose billions of dollars, owns Remington, the manufacturer of the AR-15. Cerberus is also the reason Gawker employees are still getting paid to write this bullshit.

Steven Mnuchin

Official Trump Bio: Currently serving as Finance Chairman for Donald J. Trump for President. He is Chairman and CEO of Dune Capital Management LP, a private investment firm and previously served as Chairman and CEO of OneWest Bank Group LLC. He has over 30 years of experience in the private sector with extensive management and investment experience especially in Banking, financial services, real estate, media, and technology.

Fun fact: Mnuchin has been friends with Trump for at least 15 years, despite the fact that Trump sued him in 2008 over a building deal. He also seems to enjoy investing in the arts: He has an Upper East Side art gallery and co-produced “American Sniper” and “Mad Max: Fury Road.” Good to know, since that Cerberus loan from Steve F. won’t last forever.

Stephen Moore

Official Trump Bio:
Moore is a well respected economist, and was the founder of Club For Growth. Mr. Moore has served on the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal, and is now the chief economist for the Heritage Foundation. Mr. Moore was the senior economist of the Joint Economic Committee under Chairman Dick Armey (R-TX).

Fun fact: He’s one of only three actual economists on the economic advisory council. Unfortunately, he is not very good at making economic predictions.

Steven Roth

Official Trump Bio: Roth is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Vornado Realty Trust. Mr. Roth is the co-founder and Managing General Partner of Interstate Properties and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Alexander’s Inc. Barron’s Magazine, in its March 2005, 2006 and 2007 issues named Mr. Roth one of the World’s Thirty Most Respected CEO’s. In its January 2006 issue on the Best CEO’s in America, Institutional Investor magazine designated Mr. Roth as the top CEO in the REIT industry.

Fun fact: Roth reportedly co-owns a building with Trump.

Stephen M. Calk

Official Trump Bio: Calk is the Founder, Chairman and CEO Federal Savings Bank, and National Bancorp Holdings, which is primarily focused on increasing home ownership among veterans of the Armed Forces. He is a commissioned Army Officer and received his M.B.A. from Northwestern University. Under his leadership, the Federal Savings Bank was named the most profitable bank in America in its class by the American Bankers Association Journal.

Fun fact: He actually goes by Steve.

The team also includes, among its non-Steves, a former Bear Stearns chief economist who said in 2007 the housing crisis was never going to happen, a man who made billions betting it would, and a man who owns companies that make cigarettes.

The Trump campaign says more members will be added later; smart money says it’ll be a man named Steve or a woman named Ivanka.