Photo: AP

Today a Turkish journalist asked Donald Trump to comment on Turkey, where at least 42 people died in an airport bombing apparently carried out by ISIS operatives. Trump answered the question, but not before asking the man for his papers.

“I think he’s a friend. Are you a friend or foe? Huh? I think he’s a friend,” Trump said.

And maybe Trump really was asking the foreign man if he’s a terrorist or not, but there’s another read on the situation: Trump may genuinely be unsure of the status between Turkey and the U.S. He’s definitely not sure of their stance on ISIS.

“Turkey, by the way, should be fighting ISIS,” Trump said of the country that is already a member of an anti-ISIS airstrikes coalition, and has been for almost a year. “I hope to see Turkey go out and fight ISIS.”

And guess what—the crowd loved it.