Dead Frog in Woman's Pret a Manger Salad Ruins Everyone's Appetite

Fast food chain Pret a Manger prides itself on providing "natural, tasty food" to New York's lunch break crowd, but it seems they may have put a bit too much emphasis on "natural," leaving much to be desired in terms of taste.
Wall Street Journal Digital Features Editor Kathryn Lurie posted an Instagram photo of what she claims is a colleague's Albacore Tuna Nicoise Salad that was a bit too organic.
That is to say, it had a dead frog in it.
"She was pretty shaken, understandably," tweeted Lurie of her friend, to which WSJ editor Troy McCullough responded, "Imagine how the frog feels!"
As The Atlantic Wire notes, this is far from the first time a frog has hopped up in someone's salad, but that doesn't make it any less unappetizing.
A Pret rep responded to a request for comment by the Gothamist with this statement:
At Pret A Manger, we take issues like this very seriously. Our lettuce is sourced from farms that do not use any pesticides on its produce, therefore organic matter does very rarely manage to pass through our production process. We are currently looking into this issue to make every effort that this does not happen again.
Goodnight, frog prince.