What happened on Day 1 of Britain’s epic phone-hacking trial? Let’s see:

  • The trial’s prosecution told jurors that former News of the World and Sun editor Rebekah Brooks had personally authorized payments to public officials while at The Sun;
  • That Brooks was “active” in phone-hacking activities while editing News of the World;
  • That Brooks removed several notebooks from the paper’s newsroom before it was declared a crime scene. (Via.)
  • That her successor, Andy Coulson, continued the practice of phone-hacking;
  • That three former News of the World reporters had pleaded guilty, in a prior trial, to conspiracy to intercept private communications.
  • And that News of the World reporters targeted, among other important people, the brother of a friend of Kate Moss (as well at Kate Moss herself).

Stay tuned for Day 2.

[Photo credit: Associated Press]