A New Jersey hotel bartender who works three jobs was stunned when a customer left her a $1,000 tip out of concern for her dog.

When a dog-loving couple noticed Christina Summitt's paw print tattoo, they struck up a conversation about their pets. Summitt revealed that her Great Dane mix, Tucker, was at the vet after an expensive surgery to remove a hard plastic ball he had swallowed.

Although the surgery cost $2,700 and Summitt didn't have the money, she said she planned to do whatever it took to make sure "her baby" was okay.

When the couple paid their $80 tab, they included a tip of $1,000.

Crying, Summitt told them she couldn't accept the money, but the man insisted she put it toward Tucker's medical bill.

"I just stood there in shock. I walked around and hugged this couple. They said, 'We'll be praying for Tucker," Summitt told CNN.

A hotel manager confirmed the story, and said this isn't the first time the man has done something like this.

"Apparently this man does this quite frequently. Just a really nice guy and humanitarian," she said. "I have never ever seen a $1,000 tip like that."

[Photo: Christina Summitt via CNN]