In a freak accident that does nothing to calm your fears of objects falling from the sky and killing you, a construction worker in Jersey City died this morning after a one-pound tape measure fell 50 stories and hit him in the head.

According to the Associated Press, the 50-year-old man, who has not yet been identified, was apparently not wearing a hardhat when the tape measure fell, ricocheting off construction equipment below and hitting him in the head. From NBC New York:

As he walked over, a 1-pound tape measure fell off the belt of a contractor working on the 50th floor, bounced off a piece of metal construction equipment about 10 feet off the ground and hit him in the head, police said. He was knocked unconscious and later died at the hospital.

The Jersey Journal reports that the man was delivering sheet rock to the construction site for two 50-story buildings attached to a hotel.

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