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The billionaire most known for forcefully colonizing the Las Vegas Review-Journal is now onto his next conquest: the White House.

According to The New York Times, Adelson told Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump in a recent private meeting that he would contribute a sum up to $100 million in order to help elect him. From the Times:

What remains unclear is how Mr. Adelson plans to contribute his money to Mr. Trump. He will give the maximum allowed to Mr. Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee, but to spend the amount he contemplates would require donating through a “super PAC,” able to accept unlimited donations.

As New York Magazine pointed out, Trump hasn’t always been an Adelson fan.

It’s not the first time Adelson has tried to win an election with cash—he wasted upwards of $100 million to launch a Republican in the 2012 presidential election. Adelson is also a man who claims that Palestinians are “invented people,” and already spent a small fortune on a malfunctioning robot this election cycle. Can’t wait to see how this one ends up.