In a lawsuit filed by Regina Janito, the mother alleges two men dressed as clowns terrorized her and her family during a visit to the Massacre Haunted House in Montgomery, Ill. She accuses one of the clowns of "violently" poking her daughter with a purple vibrator while the other simulated oral sex on a teddy bear with another vibrator strapped to its crotch.

According to the suit, obtained by the Smoking Gun, one of the alleged clowns was Robert Keller, 23. Keller and another man allegedly surrounded Janito's daughter at the haunted house last week and shouted "Do you want some more?" and "You know you like it in the butt!" while attacking them with the vibrators.

After the confrontation, Janito apparently returned to her car with daughter and three other children accompanying them and called police. Keller was arrested by officers for battery and disorderly conduct, the Chicago Daily Herald reports.

Janito's lawsuit accuses Keller and the second clown of sexual battery, assault, and infliction of emotional distress and the haunted house of being negligent.

"We make every effort to ensure our Halloween experience is as safe and as scary as possible," Nic Miele, general manager of The Massacre Haunt, Inc., told the Daily Herald. "We abide by all regulations, take all allegations of misconduct seriously, and are cooperating with police. All the while, we are committed to continuing our Halloween tradition of fear and fright for many years to come."

The lawsuit is seeking in excess of $50,000 in damages for all six counts.

[Image of Keller via Beacon-News]