An Australian teen has died after falling from the balcony of a New Zealand ski resort Thursday and sustaining serious head injuries. It's a sobering situation that 9 News chose to memorialize with a photo of the deceased and his friends throwing up "the shocker."

Police say 19-year-old James Teague and his friends were on a skiing holiday and had been drinking heavily when Teague tried to climb from a second-floor balcony to the roof of the building where he was staying. He fell roughly 18 feet and hit his head on the parking lot below.

Teague was taken to Dunedin hospital, where the Telegraph reports he died Saturday.

He'll be remembered by his friends, who started the memorial hashtag #clapforjames, as a rugby fan with "a contagious smile." He'll be remembered by 9 News viewers as a guy with "two in the pink, one in the stink."

Someone at the Australian news station apparently didn't realize the hand signal Teague and his friends were flashing in a photo that made it to air is American Bro Sign Language for a sex act that involves inserting fingers into the vagina and anus simultaneously.

Anyone could have reported on how he died. Only 9 News wanted to tell you how he lived.

[H/T BuzzFeed, Photo via Imgur]