Chris Christie will not be returning home to New Jersey in time for the blizzard expected to hit the state this weekend and plans to govern instead from New Hampshire—after all, the man has a primary to lose.

(Christie’s office assures the public the candidate continues to “actively monitor the winter storm” from the campaign trail. Nor is it the first time he’s watched his state get pummeled from afar—he famously rode out a 2010 storm from Disneyworld.)

Still, Christie’s governing has already been somewhat absentee this primary, the New York Times points out in an article today—even as he publicly ribbed other candidates who also have no shot at becoming president for missing legislation in their home states. (“Dude, show up to work and vote ‘no,’” he said recently of Marco Rubio.) Via the Times:

Mr. Christie spent 191 days entirely outside New Jersey last year, and since 2016 began, he has held only two public events in the state: his annual State of the State address, and a joint appearance with legislative leaders to unveil an agreement on casino regulation.

The governor has also been using his executive powers only sparingly, creating just two commissions and task forces over the last year, compared with the roughly two dozen he convened in his first term. When he has issued executive orders, it has most often been to lower the state flag in honor of someone’s death.

In the meantime, lieutenant governor Kim Guadagno has assumed most, if not all, of his duties, and is referred to as the “acting governor” by the governor’s office official schedule. So far she has signed nine pieces of legislation.

Which makes one thing pretty clear. Chris Christie may not be able to convince voters he’s presidential material, but he has proved one thing: He’s totally replaceable.

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