Florida's newest millionaire is a 43-year-old 450-pound convicted child molester who finally caught a break this week when he won a multi-million dollar scratch-off jackpot.

The Florida Lottery quickly pulled down images of Timothy Poole posing with his oversized check when he was identified as a convicted sex offender. He reportedly pleaded guilty to molesting two boys under the age of 12 in 2002 and spent three years in jail, just one of several violent charges on his rap sheet.

Poole ended up with a $3 million prize, but hesacrificed around $800,000 to take it as a one-time, lump-sum payment. Despite public outcry, the Florida Lottery declined to stop the payment, explaining that anyone can play the lottery.

Poole was reportedly working as a cab driver and dispatcher at his mother's taxi company when he bought the $20 scratch off at a 7/11 last weekend.

His friends tell reporters his good fortune was probably karma.

"He's a very positive person. Very kind. Giving. I think that's why he won. It's Christmastime and the dude deserves a break."

[image via the Florida Lottery]