TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK blared a banner at Carly Fiorina’s post-caucus rally in Iowa tonight. The banner was speaking to a bunch of empty tables.

Fiorina herself had already skipped town. Fox reported that Fiorina’s campaign decided to ditch her party at the Hilton Garden in Des Moines not because she received 1.9% of delegates but to beat an oncoming storm.

Here is what the weather radar over Des Moines looked like at 11:35 p.m. ET, when Fiorina tweeted that she was boarding her plane.

Here it is at 12:35 a.m. ET, when some sort of storm should have been grounding planes all over the city.

Hopefully the Hilton’s chairs weren’t too disappointed.

Contact the author at jordan@gawker.com / image via Getty