This is going to be really upsetting to read, but: Kylie Jenner, the 17-year-old sister of Kim Kardashian, has been banned from a club. Why? Because she was trying to enter said club without legal identification proving that she is 21 years or older. Somebody get this girl a fake ID! Let Kylie party, jesus!!!

According to TMZ, Kylie was shut down by Greystone Manor in West Hollywood this weekend, where her maybe-secret-boyfriend Tyga was set to perform. Tyga, 24, could legally enter the venue; Kylie could not. Tyga ended up canceling his show after Greystone refused to just let Kylie live, oh my god.

The whole thing sounds like quite a trial:

Tyga begged and pleaded with promoters...calling several times throughout the day. We're told he even pushed his arrival time to 1:30 AM while trying to negotiate Kylie's entry.

A nightmare if I've ever heard one, but an avoidable nightmare. Please, someone just get Kylie a fake ID. If a Kardashian can't get into a club underage, there is no hope for the rest of America's teens.

P.S. to Kylie: I'd give you my old one but it's a blonde who's like 28 now lol probably wouldn't work

[Photo via Instagram]