A mosque in Coachella, California was hit with gunfire early on Tuesday morning, authorities are reporting. No one was injured.

The Islamic Society of Coachella Valley was hit by gunfire at 5am on Tuesday and when investigators came to the scene, they discovered that gunshots had hit the building as well as a nearby truck. Investigators are looking into the case as a potential hate crime. No injuries were reported.

A California office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations is asking that the FBI investigate the incident. In a statement released on Tuesday, CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush said, "Any time shots are fired at a house of worship, the FBI should offer its resources to local authorities to help determine whether or not there was a bias motive for the attack. Our nation's leaders also need to speak out against the growing level of anti-Muslim sentiment that can lead to such incidents."

[Image via Shutterstock]