Roger Waters once wrote, "Big man, pig man, ha ha, charade you are." Was he talking about this pig who took over a Burger King in southwestern Pennsylvania on Thursday morning? He wasn't—he was talking about capitalism, or something about how you shouldn't trust authority, or maybe social inequality. Still, though, check out this pig.

The AP reports little Mr. Potbellied Pig wandered away from his little pig home and into a Burger King on U.S. Route 30 early Thursday morning. Burger King employee J.J. Nicols spoke to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review about his pig experience, which began "when [he] saw this big, black scary-looking ball of fur laying near the back door.” He continues:

"I was kind of scared. I got up and I realized it was a pig. I was beating on the back door, yelling for a manager and he was like, 'I'm not opening the door! Come round the side!'"

Wow, rude manager. The New York Daily News reports the pig then blocked the drive-thru, straight up taking over the whole damn Burger King without even trying.

However, it wasn't all nonviolent resistance for this pig. Pennsylvania State Troopers were called to collect him after the fat little guy bit somebody on the little human foot. Nicols goes on about the foot attack, saying, "it was crazy":

"The pig was really friendly. [Pig bite victim Ashlee Shawley] was like, 'Hey!' And the pig just kind of walked up to her and bit her right on the foot."


Mr. Pig was eventually reunited with its owners and taken home. Big man, pig man, ha ha, charade you are indeed.

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