Celebubrated street artist Banksy is currently prowling around New York City, leaving a trail of new art on random walls. Oblivious New York City building owners are painting them over just as fast as they can.

Earlier this week, a Banksy piece on the Lower East Side was vandalized, remixed, and then painted over, all in one day. Today, there are two new pieces, both in Brooklyn. Animal NY editor Bucky Turco tracked down one, in Williamsburg, which was in the process of being cleaned off when he arrived. The other piece, also in Williamsburg, has already been buffed off the wall.

In 2007, a Banksy mural on the side of a house in the UK was put up for auction with the house thrown in for free. Other Bansky pieces on buildings have reportedly doubled the value of a pub in Liverpool and raised the value of a hotel by 150,000 pounds.

Never paint over graffiti, just to be on the safe side.

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