A boat commuter and a group of windsurfers worked together Monday to rescue a puppy from the middle of the San Francisco Bay.

Adam Cohen, a vice-president at a start-up, was commuting home across the San Francisco Bay in his boat with a friend when he spotted a pack of five windsurfers huddled together with their sails down. Worried there might have been an injury, Cohen steered his boat over and found the group circled around a water-soaked black dog.

"She was way out there," Cohen told the San Francisco Chronicle. "It looked like she was trying to swim to Angel Island."

One of the surfers had placed the dog on his board while another was attempting to convince the Coast Guard to rescue her. Cohen offered to take the dog instead. “Then we reached down, picked her up and put her in the boat,” he said.

The dog, likely a Labrador-pit bull mix, seemed cold and disoriented at first, but appeared to have recovered by the time she reached Cohen's home in Berkeley. “She's not eating or drinking yet, but she's gotten up and taken a couple of walks in the yard,” Cohen said.

Lisa Grodin, Cohen's wife, took the dog to the vet Tuesday morning. The vet told her the dog had no microchip, but likely belonged to someone because she was so well fed and wearing a nice dog collar.

While Cohen and Grodin are looking for the dog's owners, they wouldn't mind adding her to their family. “My wife says we should keep her,” Cohen said.

[Image SF Gate via Adam Cohen]

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