Billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson has, so far in this election, refrained from donating obscene amounts of money to any one candidate. (He’s reportedly waiting to see how things play out in an effort to avoid wasting another $100 million this election cycle.) But he did show up to caucus last night for... someone.

Republicans have essentially been waiting for Adelson, believed to be worth somewhere north of $20 billion, to start donating. Though he’s believed to favor Marco Rubio, he’s held his opinions close to the vest this election.

And the Tuesday night caucus in Nevada was no exception. Adelson and his wife, Miriam, showed up at Bonanza High School in Las Vegas to vote, but they’re not saying who they voted for.

Still, we can deduce, by process of elimination and frank obviousness, that it probably wasn’t Ben Carson. Via The Wall Street Journal:

A caucus volunteer, Katherine Cento, handed Mr. Adelson his ballot. Spooked that a small handful of reporters were standing around watching him vote, Mr. Adelson covered the top half of his ballot with his left hand as he checked a box on the lower third of his ballot – where the names Marco Rubio,Rick Santorum and Donald J. Trump appear, with his right.

After he voted Mr. Adelson turned to Ms. Cento, an interior designer, and asked her, “When is the caucus going on?” apparently a reference to speeches touting the candidates.

Ms. Cento replied: “The caucus is right now.”

Trying to keep prying eyes away from her ballot, Mr. Adelson’s wife, Miriam, asked Ms. Cento, “how many times can I fold it?”

Ms. Cento informed the billionaire’s wife that she could fold her ballot twice to keep it secret.

According to the Journal, we may never find out who he truly favors: Adelson, the paper reports, does not plan to donate “substantial amounts of money” until the nominee is selected.

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