Here is a rule of thumb for Bernie Sanders supporters across this great nation: When talking about the Democratic primary, which pits Sanders against Hillary Clinton, do not use the word “whore.”

“Whore,” in the context of politics, is a popular term. It can be an effective and cathartic way to refer to a politician who seems wedded to interests that run counter to those of the public. As you may know, “whore,” outside politics, generally refers to a woman who accepts money for sex.

In the video above, taken at a Sanders rally last night in New York, an opening speaker, Dr. Paul Song, told the crowd that “Medicare for all will never happen if we continue to elect corporate Democratic whores who are beholden to Big Pharma.” This morning, Sanders had to apologize for Song’s choice of words:

Song, for his part, says he wasn’t talking about Clinton specifically, but many Democrats, generally.

We can agree or disagree about whether Dr. Song set out to use his platform to call Hillary Clinton a whore. But no doubt there are other words one can use to refer to the phenomenon of people “in congress who are beholden to corporations and not us.” Surely, Bernie Sanders supporters would say they are smart enough to come up with some.

[via TPM]