To some, a pentagram might just be the thing behind that naked guy in the Rush logo, but looking at this school bus's brake lights, one concerned parent in Tennessee saw something far more sinister: a Satanic conspiracy against our precious children.

"Anyone who fears a God, if not God and Jesus Christ, should be outraged," Robyn Wilkins told Memphis' WMC-TV for a story about the lights they actually in real-life called "School Buses: The Devil's Ride?"

Taking a cue from middle school essayists everywhere, the NBC affiliate helpfully explains "Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a Pentagram as a star with five points often used as a magic or religious symbol."

So far school officials have refused to answer WMC's questions about the fiendish five-pointed stars, but Wilkins isn't ready to give up her crusade. "If you can't put a cross on there, you cannot put a pentagram on it," she told the station. "Would we allow a swastika, for instance, to be on the back of the bus?"

[Image via WMC-TV/h/t Daily Mail]