If prostitution is the world’s oldest profession, the world’s second oldest profession must be male politician with an anti-gay voting record who enjoys the dicks of men. Ladies and gentlemen, meet North Dakota House of Representatives member Randy Boehning (R).

The 52-year-old lawmaker got caught with his dick out by a 21-year-old named Dustin Smith, who chatted with Boehning on Grindr in March. During their interaction, Boehning sent Smith an unsolicited picture of his penis. Smith then approached The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead newspaper. On the app, Boehning went by “Top man!” and when asked if he was horny, he replied, “Always lol.”

On April 2, Boehning voted against Senate Bill 2279, which would have banned discrimination based on sexual orientation in North Dakota. The House eventually defeated the bill.

The Forum reports:

Boehning said before he voted against the anti-discrimination bill on April 2 a Capitol employee told him a fellow House lawmaker who supported the bill said Boehning would be targeted for retaliation if he didn’t vote for it. The 12-year veteran of the House still voted against 2279. He also voted against a similar bill in 2009 and would have in 2013, had the proposal not died in the Senate before a House vote.

Boehning had it coming in several ways. Openly gay Rep. Josh Boschee told The Forum “lawmakers from both parties have told him a gay Republican staffer at the Capitol who had been in contact with Boehning on Grindr since his last run for office had warned Boehning ‘there could be consequences for the hypocrisy of [his] vote.’”

Boehning claimed he voted against the bill because he didn’t think his constituents supported it, and he had a problem with the bill protecting those “perceived” to be gay. Clearly.

He initally refused to answer questions about his app-tivity when contacted two weeks ago. On Saturday, he told the paper, regarding his sending of a dick pic, “That’s what gay guys do on gay sites, don’t they? That’s how things happen on Grindr. It’s a gay chat site. It’s not the first thing you do on that site. That’s what we do, exchange pics on the site.”

On being outed, Boehning said, “The 1,000-pound gorilla has been lifted.” In addition to finally admitting that he’s attracted to men, Boehning says he’s also attracted to women.