An Australian newscaster said he managed to wear the same suit almost every day for a year without anyone noticing, despite the fact that viewers often criticize his female co-host for her sartorial choices.

Today host Karl Stefanovic said he wore the same navy blue "cheap Burberry knock-off" every day for a month, and when no one noticed, just decided to keep going. Although he changed his shirt and tie, he apparently wore the suit to almost every broadcast for a year.

Stefanovic said he started the experiment after his co-anchor Lisa Wilkinson did a segment on the criticism she regularly receives from viewers regarding her wardrobe. Apparently only she and a producer knew what he was doing, and it was never brought up by anyone else.

"No one has noticed; no one gives a shit," Stefanovic said after he and Wilkinson revealed the results on the morning show. "Women are judged much more harshly and keenly for what they do, what they say and what they wear."

[h/t Uproxx]