Summer is ending, and soon America's teens will head back to the new-shoes-on-linoleum-floors hell that is high school. The only thing keeping our weary youth going is FLAMIN' HOT Cheetos®, and now, First Lady Michelle Obama has taken them away. Our nation's school vending machines will have healthy snacks this year.

According to NBC News, the government's new Smart Snacks in School guidelines require vending machine fare to be "less than 200 calories, have less than 35 percent saturated fat, zero grams of trans fat and contain some sort of nutritional value instead of just empty calories." Here's how our teens feel about that:

These teens are flippin' out! But maybe all hope is not lost:

For her part, the First Lady is excited about the change and hopes it will help fight childhood obesity. "I am so excited that schools will now be offering healthier choices to students and reinforcing the work we do at home to help our kids stay healthy," she said in a statement.

[Image via AP, ht Daily Mail]