Is it true that community college "takes two years" to complete, and regular college "takes four years" to complete? Not at all! It takes much, much longer.

A new report from a group called Complete College America explores how long it actually takes students to graduate (or not) from college, and finds that the reality is much, much different from the outmoded expectations that are held up as the norm. Let's cut straight to the depressing stats!

Among full time students:

Of those seeking a two year associates degree, 5% finish on time.

Of those seeking a four year's bachelor's degree, between 19% (at lesser schools) and 36% (at better schools) finish on time.

Is this an isolated problem? Not at all! "[Only] 50 of the nation's roughly 580 public four-year institutions report that at least half of their first-time, full-time students graduate on time."

If you go to college you should really try to graduate on time because that shit is expensive. Or if you have a good scholarship/ rich benefactors paying your tuition, try to draw it out as long as possible, because as soon as you leave you're expected to "work."

[The full report. Photo: AP]