A Canadian teen accused of menacing his online gaming adversaries with fake 911 calls is facing 34 criminal charges—and now evidence of his reign of Skype terror is public.

CBC News reports that the 17-year-old’s trial is underway, and one of his purported fake emergency calls, detailing an imaginary hostage situation at someone else’s home, has been released to the media. In the call, the teen says he’s in possession of three hostages, an AR-15 rifle, and a quantity of C4: “You’re going to give me my money, or I’m going to blow everything up,” he tells a 911 dispatcher.

This is just one of a long series of swatting calls in the U.S. and Canada made before the teen’s arrest last year—others included a threatened nerve gas attack on a school, claims of murder, bombings, and other fabricated acts of violence that brought law enforcement to an unsuspecting stranger’s door.

Photo of suspect via Polk County, FL Sheriff’s Department

Contact the author at biddle@gawker.com.
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